Your brand is at the heart of your business whether an established multi-national or single person startup. It is vital your core branding speaks loudly, but also says the right things.

If you’re a business owner you already have a brand. It’s in the quality of your product offering, the speediness of its delivery, the presentation of your staff and so on. These associations all come together to form an image of your brand in your clients’ mind.


The process of building a brand should tease out the attributes your potential customer base value the most and re-enforce these through a cohesive tone of voice across all communications.


At Into the White we offer a range of professional core branding services from strategy through to design and delivery. Whatever your current stage of development we can help take your brand to the next level.

Branding Design Packages


Into the White love to give a helping hand to new ventures. If you are in the process of creating a new startup company we can help get your company off the ground and start marketing your services.  View our Startup Branding Packages



A brand is formed by the associations and perceptions people have about a company, product or service. It is impossible to have complete control over a brand as it’s built from an array of different consumer experiences and cultural factors.


The aim of any branding process should be to define, position and influence perceptions of your potential customers. A considered tone of voice, with clear objectives and values should be consistently delivered across all communication channels. Building trust and confidence in a brand helps businesses to forge new client relationships and retain existing ones.

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Your Brand Strategy

We don’t just design logos, we develop professional brand identities informed by your company’s ethos and goals, alongside targeted research into your competitors and potential markets. Only after these critical foundations are established can an informed design process begin.

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A Brand Refresh

Whether you’ve an established branding you’d like to freshen up or are looking to explore a completely new visual direction. We won’t throw the baby out with the bath water, but will analyse your current business collateral to examine which elements are working and which are not.

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A New Brand Identity

We’ll explore a selection of broad concepts and present the most promising routes for discussion and review. Alongside logotype concepts we also define specific house typefaces and colours for both print and screen usage. Brand Guidelines documentation and additional graphic elements can also be considered to provide extra direction.

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Brand Implementation

We can design a myriad of core marketing materials and business collateral to help establish your company. We can implement your new branding across websites, business stationery, vehicle livery, packaging, presentations and Microsoft Office templates to name but a few.


Whether you’re in need of a completely new brand identity or are planning to strengthen your current brand assets please don’t hestitate to get in touch for a no obligation chat about your options.