Brand consultancy services including company branding, responsive website design and e-book.
WHNS Logo Design
WHNS Website Design
WHNS Responsive Website Design
WHNS Recipe Book Design

Our Client

Annie Yates is an independent manicurist and keen practitioner of clean living and a maintaining a holistic lifestyle. As well as providing luxury manicures and pedicures using only natural products she also provides clients with lifestyle advice and health / beauty guidance.



Whilst the previous brochure website for the business provided a basic outline of services and availability, it was not suited to regular updating and didn’t perform well on mobile devices.


The main aim for the website was to put the lifestyle content centre stage, acting as a information hub for existing clients and to develop a presence in the growing holistic community online.


The branding needed to be elegant and minimalist to evoke a sense of calmness and balance without any hint of fussiness. To work as an incentive for data capture a template design for a free downloadable e-cook book was also required.


Our Response

We provided a bespoke responsive WordPress website that could showcase the recipes and product reviews in a highly visual manner. Whilst a quality aesthetic was of high priority, ease of use for the day to day running of the site was paramount.


We customised the back end of the website to lock down certain settings, reducing clutter for editors whilst still allowing for a variety of layouts within the posts. Integration of social media, sharing options and a newsletter sign up form have also helped to encourage interaction with the site and broaden it’s reach.


The website received over 1,800 views within the first month of publishing, with articles featured on a number of other lifestyle websites. Whilst the goals of site are community rather than commerce driven, as its audience grows the options to monetise the site through sponsorship and online ingredients shopping will also be explored.

We Delivered


– Brand Consultancy Services
– Logo Design
– Responsive Website Design
– Custom WordPress Website Build
– Cross Platform & Browser Testing
– Google Analytics Management
– Business Stationery
– E-Recipe Book Design

Client Verdict


‘Exceeded my expectations many times over, everybody comments on my website, and I feel lucky to have such strong branding. With out doubt Into the White will be the only design agency I will use in the future!’

Annie Yates, Founder