Rousler Carbon

Logo refresh and website design.
Rousler Carbon Logo Refresh
Rousler Carbon Homepage Design
Rousler Carbon Website Design

Our Client

Rousler Carbon produce precision designed and engineered carbon fibre products, primarily to motor sport enthusiasts.



The company is in it’s early stages of development but already has a logo that is desired to be refined rather than completely re-designed. A bespoke e-commerce website layout and structure is required in preparation for the sites build once a large enough product selection has been engineered.


Our Response

Whilst retaining the main arrangement and core type as requested we produced a more realistic looking 3D rendering for the logo roundel alongside secondary logos for restricted height purposes. Logo usage guidelines were also produced to help third party users decide which variant is appropriate to use.


The sleeker and more polished looking aesthetic was carried through into the main structure of the the website layout. In order to easily indicate the products functionality the category pages show the product in situ with roll over information boxes. The individual product pages provide more in depth information with downloadable spec sheets and 360 degree product viewer.

We Delivered


– Brand Consultancy Services
– Logo Refresh
– Brand Guidelines
– Website Design

Client Verdict


‘‘They came highly recommended and exceeded any expectation, creating designs that were not only visually attractive but also exceptionally functional. They have a structured approach and ensured they delivered designs they knew would work. We were very grateful!’

Nathan Crewe, Director