19 May New Work: Economic Insight Website
We’ve been working with London based economics consultancy Economic Insight over the past twelve months delivering a wide range of projects in both print and web. After an extensive period of analysis and planning last week we re-launched the core company website to feature a brand new design and site structure.
The previous site had been set up in the early days of the company and worked well to concisely explain their core services, however, aside from the visual refresh it required two core structural updates to improve visitor experience:
Firstly, the old site was not responsive so performed poorly on both mobile devices and larger HD screens. Secondly, whilst the website was regularly updated with in-depth publications and news articles they were not prominent features of the site and often overlooked.We tackled these issues with a complete redesign of the site focusing on the user journey, making sure key areas of interest for different clients were easily accessed and intuitive to navigate across multiple devices. Separating out the more in-depth publications from the general company news pages allowed for a more visual approach to the publications sections, whilst keeping the short company news articles quick to upload.
Categorisation of publications and reports in the website back-end allows relevant articles to feed into the core service pages and the homepage for more prominence, along with the ability for potential clients to easily search for articles relevant to their needs.
As part of the website overhaul we also moved the hosting to our own servers and installed Google Analytics in order to improve and monitor the sites performance.