15 Nov More Recommended Reading
Another interesting book launch that may have to be on my Christmas list is The Phaidon Archive of Graphic Design. At over £100 it’s not exactly going to be an impulse buy, but I do like the composition of individual cards with a large image on the front and details about the piece on the reverse. I quite fancy the idea of owning it and reading one a day with my morning coffee as a little dose of inspiration before the working day begins. Covering 500 icons of graphic design across publishing, logos, book design (not sure how much digital is covered) it looks like a neat little time capsule of 20th century design history. Take a look at the short promo video below. I’ve been a good boy Santa, honest!
Also I should mention I’ve finally got round to reading Just My Type by Simon Garfield and would recommend to everyone not just nerdy designer types.