June 2012

Just a small update with some recent rebranding work. Our very fine accountants here at ITW, Brotherton & Co. asked us to take a look at their branding and refresh some elements. After some detailed discussions and experiments with alternate concepts we decided that although...

Looks like an interesting event from the Birmingham Typographic Hub called 'Industry and genius in the printing trade' at the start of September. Full details and lineup online. As part of Birmingham Institute of Art and Design at Birmingham City University it's great to see some Uni's/...

Okay so it was a while back but thought I'd finally get round to giving my thoughts on the Cheltenham Design Festival. Went along for the Friday and thought overall it was very good. Unfortunately I had a few jobs to tie up so only...

The Summer shows for We Are Feed at Birmingham Metropolitan College starts 16th (click on above image to see details). Definitely going to go and check it out. Rude not too as it's 5 mins down the road from the office, but more importantly I've always...

Having recently turned 30 amongst the very lovely presents was a real blast from the 1980s past with a great book cataloguing the entire first 5 series of the Garbage Pail Kids trading stickers. The wonderful, and often disturbing, illustration from Art Spiegelman bought back so...